Autism Companion Dogs transform lives


An Autism Companion Assistance Dog gives the parent and child real independence, and provides a safer environment for the child so they feel more secure. Having unlimited access to public places with the Assistance Dog  enables the whole family to do simple things such as shopping, which may have been impossible before.

The dog wears a purple jacket, the parent/guardian has full control of the Assistance Dog. The Assistance Dog  acts on instructions from the parent/guardian while the child is encouraged to walk alongside the dog. This offers greater independence to the child and the parent.

At present, there is an upper age limit  of 10 years old for Autism Companion Assistance Dog due to funding restrictions.

A fully-trained Autism Companion Assistance  Dog can help change behaviour by:

  • Introducing routines.
  • Interrupting repetitive behaviour.
  • Helping a child with autism cope with unfamiliar surroundings.
  • Reducing anxiety

We have four types of Assistance dogs - Autism Assistance and Autism Companion Dogs, Disability Assistance Dogs and Therapy Dogs.

Click on an image below for more information.

Autism Anchor Dogs

Helping a child remain safe, calm and focused in busy places.

Assistant Dogs NI Assistant Dogs NI

Disability Assistance Dogs

Learn how our dogs can help full-time wheelchair users.

Assistant Dogs NI Assistant Dogs NI

Therapy Dogs

Exceptional dogs bringing comfort and happiness to people.

Assistant Dogs NI Assistant Dogs NI