Garnett the Autism Assistance Dog


Lockdown has been challenging for everyone but especially for children with special needs whose routine has been changed dramatically.  They do not understand why they cannot go to school, meet up with their family and friends.

Garnett our Autism Assistance Dog brings tranquillity to us during lockdown especially when behaviours can become incredibly challenging.

My son Shayne (11), has autism, he is nonverbal, challenging behaviour and no sense of danger.  Having Garnett anchored onto Shayne gives him the freedom and enjoyment of going for a walk without being put in a buggy and it gives me confidence that Shayne is in no danger of running off.

My eldest son Mark (14), has Downs Syndrome and autism.  He hates going out for a walk but when I say ask Mark to help me walk Garnett, Mark is very happy to go and enjoys having the responsibility of walking with Garnett.

As like most of us, I have felt anxious or sad, Garnett senses this and comes over to me for a cuddle which lifts my spirits.

Garnett is our companion which is a great asset to our family especially during this pandemic. Adrienne (Mother)


Mark with Garnette June 2020

Shayne with Garnette June 2020

Shayne with Garnette June 2020

Shayne with Garnette June 2020

Adrienne with Garnette April 2020